This problem is motivated by the Major League Baseball in the United States; the problem has been introduced by Easton et al. (2001). Additional constraints that are relevant in practice are:
*) two teams that play each other in round t should not play each other in round t + 1,
*) no team will play more than three consecutive home or three consecutive away games.
A key reference is:
Easton, K., Nemhauser, G., & Trick, M. A. (2001). The travelling tournament problem: Description and benchmarks. In T. Walsh (Ed.), Principles and practice of constraint programming (Lecture notes in computer science) (Vol. 2239, pp. 580–585). Berlin: Springer.
Goals of the bachelor project:
*) Find scientific literature on this subject, and related problems
*) Design mathematical programming models for this problem
*) Solve instances of this problem